Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

So i am frustrated, i want your opinions, i want a battle, i want a challenge. For too long i have asked and got nothing, trying to pull honest opinions out of people is hard. Attempting to drag real thought out of you folks is like pulling teeth. Is it that hard? Most of you spout off about bullshit all damn day. I don't know maybe i am asking the wrong crowd. So you want to write for this site? You have an opinion? Share be heard! Ok now that i am done bitching i will share....
Murs x Rick Ross x 50 Cent "Who'sThe Boss?" from CashmereAgency on Vimeo.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday the 13th (2009) review and overview of original series
(Overview of Friday the 13th film series)
The Friday the 13th series was a staple of my youth. It was the first horror series I really remember watching and enjoying.
I was too young to see Parts 1 - 4 in the theaters but I saw them on HBO. I was so scared of Jason, particularly Richard Bookers portrayal of the character in Friday the 13th 3-D and Ted White's performance in Friday the 13th "The Final Chapter". Jason Voorhees scared the shit out of me as a kid but for some reason his exploits in the films kept me watching.
I think that when I stopped being afraid of Jason and started rooting for him was when Friday the 13th Part VI "Jason Lives" came out in August of 1986. That film has always been my favorite because it was a good script, it had excellent kills and Jason was such a bad ass in it. I loved his look and I thought the fact that he was now an unstoppable zombie was cool as hell. CJ Graham was excellent as Jason in that film. I had hoped that he would continue as the character in future installments. Unfortunately he did not reprise the roll.
As much as I enjoyed the films that followed Part VI, I was always kind of disappointed that the series never took better advantage of what "Jason Lives" set up in regards to the character. Parts VII introduced Kane Hodder to the series as Jason; he would go on to play the character for three more films. My problem with Part VII primarily has to do with the fact that the kills were bloodless, thanks MPAA, the telekinetic main character Tina was not interesting and the ending was kind of silly. I did love Kane Hodders portrayal of Jason and the film does have one of my favorite kill sets ups when Jason goes after the venomous Dr. Crews with a tree saw. I did enjoy Part VIII "Jason Takes Manhattan" more then most. I thought it was interesting to take Jason out of Crystal Lake and put him in a big city like New York. I wish the budget for the film had been larger so that more could have been shot in the famous city. But the majority of the film taking place on a cruise ship to New York never bothered me. I thought Kane Hodders performance in Part VII was even stronger then it had been in "The New Blood" and I felt that this film truly established Hodder as the ultimate Jason performer. I always thought that the ending of "Jason takes Manhattan" left some interesting possibilities for a part VIIII but unfortunately Paramount shelved the series due to the smaller box office returns for parts VII & VIII and when New Line Cinema acquired the rights for the film series in the early 90's, they decided to take the story in a new direction.
“Jason goes to Hell” The Final Friday was released in 1993 and I remember being really excited to see it. It was the first new Jason film in 5 years. Unfortunately, I was not happy with the film at all. First they decided to blow Jason to pieces at the beginning of the film .Then the rest of the movie is spent with Jason body hopping into his victims causing them to kill. It culminates in a battle at the Voorhees house where Jason is reborn, in his standard guise, through his long lost sister and the heroes of the film stab him with a magic dagger that causes demons from hell to pull Jason down into the earth. I know there are fans of this film but I have never been one of them. I respect the filmmakers for trying to do something different but it just does not feel like it belongs with the other Friday the 13th films. The best part of the film was at the very end when Jason’s mask is pulled into the ground by Freddy Krugers glove, setting up “Freddy vs. Jason”. Unfortunately it would take 10 years for “Freddy vs. Jason to be released. The next film in the Friday series would be “Jason X” which was released in 2002. This film would bomb at the box office and also would be the last film that Kane Hodder played the role. I actually really liked “Jason X” and thought it was a fun movie. I was at first not too keen to see Jason in space but it actually had some decent gore and action. I also liked how Jason became Uber-Jason in the film. The look was pretty bad ass.
2003 brought, finally, “Freddy vs. Jason” which next to “Jason Lives” is my favorite film in the series. This movie was balls out brutal fun pitting the two horror icons against each other. I was sad that Kane Hodder was not asked back for this film. I thought it was very unfair because he was the first actor to play Jason that really loved the job and he also had kept the character alive for many years, particularly during the dark years when there were fewer films featuring the character, by making appearances at horror film conventions. I thought Ken Kirzinger did a good job in the film as the character though.
(Friday the 13th (2009) review)
All of this exposition has finally brought me to my thoughts on the new Friday the 13th film that was released on Friday 2/13/2009. I absolutely loved it.
As I have gotten older I realize that sequels to films from my youth, if done right, mean so much to me because I remember what the originals meant to me growing up. This film was the best Friday the 13th since my all time fave “Jason Lives”.
As typical, I do not want to give too much away because I do not like to spoil the film for people who may not have seen it yet. So I will give a brief synopsis on the plot of the film and then some key areas that I thought stood out.
Synopsis: Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) heads up to the lake side community of Crystal Lake against the advice of the local police and cautions from a few locals in the area. Clay is desperately searching for his missing sister, Whitney (Amanda Righetti) who has been missing for six weeks. On Jared’s quest he runs into a group of college kids, led by Trent (Travis Van Winkel), up for an all-thrills weekend at his family cabin by the lake. Jared befriends Jenna (Danielle Panabaker) from the group and she agrees to help him look for his missing sister. As they investigate the woods surrounding Trents cabin they stumble upon the abandoned Camp Crystal Lake. Little do they know that they have entered the territory of the legendary Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) who has sworn revenge against all that enter his territory since the beheading of his mother 20 years earlier.
I want to make a note that Jason in this film is not played for laughs at all. He is a bad ass mofo, reminiscent of how he was portrayed in the earlier films of the original series. Derek Mears is the man and truly brings his own to the character. He really made Jason scary again and I hope that he is willing to continue playing the character in future installments.
Marcus Nispel followed his awesome Texas Chainsaw remake with this film and I think the guy is a great director for the horror genre.
The gore in this film is top notch and was not butchered by the MPAA like some installments of the original series. We get an ax to the back, stabs in the throat, burnings, arrows to the chest and some other really interesting kills. Jason does not hold back on his victims in this film.
There is also plenty of nudity in this film. Chelsea (Willa Ford) displays her assets during a memorable topless water skiing scene and the hottest of the bunch Bree (Julianna Guill) shows off her gorgeous body in a love scene with Trent.
To sum it all up, this film was everything I wanted in a Friday the 13th film. It had gore, sex, action and a good story. Given its box office take of over 45 million dollars I am obviously not the only one in love with this film. It is obvious that the character of Jason is back and finally getting some long overdue respect.
Bring on the sequels
Jason is back
The Friday the 13th series was a staple of my youth. It was the first horror series I really remember watching and enjoying.
I was too young to see Parts 1 - 4 in the theaters but I saw them on HBO. I was so scared of Jason, particularly Richard Bookers portrayal of the character in Friday the 13th 3-D and Ted White's performance in Friday the 13th "The Final Chapter". Jason Voorhees scared the shit out of me as a kid but for some reason his exploits in the films kept me watching.
I think that when I stopped being afraid of Jason and started rooting for him was when Friday the 13th Part VI "Jason Lives" came out in August of 1986. That film has always been my favorite because it was a good script, it had excellent kills and Jason was such a bad ass in it. I loved his look and I thought the fact that he was now an unstoppable zombie was cool as hell. CJ Graham was excellent as Jason in that film. I had hoped that he would continue as the character in future installments. Unfortunately he did not reprise the roll.
As much as I enjoyed the films that followed Part VI, I was always kind of disappointed that the series never took better advantage of what "Jason Lives" set up in regards to the character. Parts VII introduced Kane Hodder to the series as Jason; he would go on to play the character for three more films. My problem with Part VII primarily has to do with the fact that the kills were bloodless, thanks MPAA, the telekinetic main character Tina was not interesting and the ending was kind of silly. I did love Kane Hodders portrayal of Jason and the film does have one of my favorite kill sets ups when Jason goes after the venomous Dr. Crews with a tree saw. I did enjoy Part VIII "Jason Takes Manhattan" more then most. I thought it was interesting to take Jason out of Crystal Lake and put him in a big city like New York. I wish the budget for the film had been larger so that more could have been shot in the famous city. But the majority of the film taking place on a cruise ship to New York never bothered me. I thought Kane Hodders performance in Part VII was even stronger then it had been in "The New Blood" and I felt that this film truly established Hodder as the ultimate Jason performer. I always thought that the ending of "Jason takes Manhattan" left some interesting possibilities for a part VIIII but unfortunately Paramount shelved the series due to the smaller box office returns for parts VII & VIII and when New Line Cinema acquired the rights for the film series in the early 90's, they decided to take the story in a new direction.
“Jason goes to Hell” The Final Friday was released in 1993 and I remember being really excited to see it. It was the first new Jason film in 5 years. Unfortunately, I was not happy with the film at all. First they decided to blow Jason to pieces at the beginning of the film .Then the rest of the movie is spent with Jason body hopping into his victims causing them to kill. It culminates in a battle at the Voorhees house where Jason is reborn, in his standard guise, through his long lost sister and the heroes of the film stab him with a magic dagger that causes demons from hell to pull Jason down into the earth. I know there are fans of this film but I have never been one of them. I respect the filmmakers for trying to do something different but it just does not feel like it belongs with the other Friday the 13th films. The best part of the film was at the very end when Jason’s mask is pulled into the ground by Freddy Krugers glove, setting up “Freddy vs. Jason”. Unfortunately it would take 10 years for “Freddy vs. Jason to be released. The next film in the Friday series would be “Jason X” which was released in 2002. This film would bomb at the box office and also would be the last film that Kane Hodder played the role. I actually really liked “Jason X” and thought it was a fun movie. I was at first not too keen to see Jason in space but it actually had some decent gore and action. I also liked how Jason became Uber-Jason in the film. The look was pretty bad ass.
2003 brought, finally, “Freddy vs. Jason” which next to “Jason Lives” is my favorite film in the series. This movie was balls out brutal fun pitting the two horror icons against each other. I was sad that Kane Hodder was not asked back for this film. I thought it was very unfair because he was the first actor to play Jason that really loved the job and he also had kept the character alive for many years, particularly during the dark years when there were fewer films featuring the character, by making appearances at horror film conventions. I thought Ken Kirzinger did a good job in the film as the character though.
(Friday the 13th (2009) review)
All of this exposition has finally brought me to my thoughts on the new Friday the 13th film that was released on Friday 2/13/2009. I absolutely loved it.
As I have gotten older I realize that sequels to films from my youth, if done right, mean so much to me because I remember what the originals meant to me growing up. This film was the best Friday the 13th since my all time fave “Jason Lives”.
As typical, I do not want to give too much away because I do not like to spoil the film for people who may not have seen it yet. So I will give a brief synopsis on the plot of the film and then some key areas that I thought stood out.
Synopsis: Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) heads up to the lake side community of Crystal Lake against the advice of the local police and cautions from a few locals in the area. Clay is desperately searching for his missing sister, Whitney (Amanda Righetti) who has been missing for six weeks. On Jared’s quest he runs into a group of college kids, led by Trent (Travis Van Winkel), up for an all-thrills weekend at his family cabin by the lake. Jared befriends Jenna (Danielle Panabaker) from the group and she agrees to help him look for his missing sister. As they investigate the woods surrounding Trents cabin they stumble upon the abandoned Camp Crystal Lake. Little do they know that they have entered the territory of the legendary Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) who has sworn revenge against all that enter his territory since the beheading of his mother 20 years earlier.
I want to make a note that Jason in this film is not played for laughs at all. He is a bad ass mofo, reminiscent of how he was portrayed in the earlier films of the original series. Derek Mears is the man and truly brings his own to the character. He really made Jason scary again and I hope that he is willing to continue playing the character in future installments.
Marcus Nispel followed his awesome Texas Chainsaw remake with this film and I think the guy is a great director for the horror genre.
The gore in this film is top notch and was not butchered by the MPAA like some installments of the original series. We get an ax to the back, stabs in the throat, burnings, arrows to the chest and some other really interesting kills. Jason does not hold back on his victims in this film.
There is also plenty of nudity in this film. Chelsea (Willa Ford) displays her assets during a memorable topless water skiing scene and the hottest of the bunch Bree (Julianna Guill) shows off her gorgeous body in a love scene with Trent.
To sum it all up, this film was everything I wanted in a Friday the 13th film. It had gore, sex, action and a good story. Given its box office take of over 45 million dollars I am obviously not the only one in love with this film. It is obvious that the character of Jason is back and finally getting some long overdue respect.
Bring on the sequels
Jason is back
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Amazing artist and blog, you like beautifully abstract women? i know you do...
Go here and enjoy
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Favorite Friday the 13th film
As many of you know this coming Friday, 2/13/2009, will see a new Friday the 13th film debut in theaters.
I grew up on these films and with the exception of the awesome Freddy Vs. Jason I was not 100 % happy with entries in the series that were released by New Line "Jason Goes to Hell" particularly which I think sucks with the exception of the scenes at the beginning and end of the film. From what I have seen from the new movie looks awesome and is reminiscent of Paramount Pictures original run of the series from 1980 - 1989.
I will be running my review of the new film here next weekend.
Until then I thought I would rank my ranking of the current films in the series.
1. Freddy vs. Jason
2. Friday the 13th Part 6 "Jason Lives"
3. Friday the 13th "The Final Chapter"
4. Friday the 13th 3-D
5. Friday the 13th Part VIII "Jason Takes Manhattan"
6. Friday the 13th Part VII "The New Blood"
7. Friday the 13th
8. Friday the 13th Part II
9. Jason X
10. Friday the 13th Part V "A New Beginning"
11. Jason goes to Hell "The Final Friday"
Please feel free to comment with own ratings of films in the series.
I grew up on these films and with the exception of the awesome Freddy Vs. Jason I was not 100 % happy with entries in the series that were released by New Line "Jason Goes to Hell" particularly which I think sucks with the exception of the scenes at the beginning and end of the film. From what I have seen from the new movie looks awesome and is reminiscent of Paramount Pictures original run of the series from 1980 - 1989.
I will be running my review of the new film here next weekend.
Until then I thought I would rank my ranking of the current films in the series.
1. Freddy vs. Jason
2. Friday the 13th Part 6 "Jason Lives"
3. Friday the 13th "The Final Chapter"
4. Friday the 13th 3-D
5. Friday the 13th Part VIII "Jason Takes Manhattan"
6. Friday the 13th Part VII "The New Blood"
7. Friday the 13th
8. Friday the 13th Part II
9. Jason X
10. Friday the 13th Part V "A New Beginning"
11. Jason goes to Hell "The Final Friday"
Please feel free to comment with own ratings of films in the series.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
RIP James Whitmore
Sad News..........
James Whitmore, the actor that played Brooks in one of the best movies ever made "The Shawshank Redemption passed away Friday 2/6/2009. He was 87 years old.
The Emmy- and Tony-winning actor was diagnosed with lung cancer the week before Thanksgiving.
RIP James
James Whitmore, the actor that played Brooks in one of the best movies ever made "The Shawshank Redemption passed away Friday 2/6/2009. He was 87 years old.
The Emmy- and Tony-winning actor was diagnosed with lung cancer the week before Thanksgiving.
RIP James
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dibiase--Up The Joystick

FIND THIS ALBUM, BUY IT, LOVE IT. Review over........ Na, ok, the guy takes samples from old video games and flips them over beautiful drums, the kind of drums that turn your neck into a rubber substance that is permanently nodding. This album is in a separate play list all it's own on repeat for a reason ya dig. GO GET IT!!! Support him. Great fucking beat maker, if i could figure out how to put a song up i would but i am slow and stupid for now but i will get his shit up here so ya'll can hear it or go to his myspace done deal.
Monday, January 26, 2009
God Hates Fags,8599,1873904,00.html---the article that sparked this.
I read this morning in the news that the Vatican is “slamming” Obama over his abortion policy throughout foreign land. It is in the threads of these ill natured men of power where our problem hides. People so stout in their beliefs that if they could crush us and start over in their image they would without a second breath. Fundamentals thrown through Jesus adorned windows long ago I believe as a people we are built to focus solemnly on one goal.
Why I cannot believe in what I believe in and stay in peace with the people around me is beyond me. My soul is very close to some of my conglomerates and if in they wind sensed I did not go through their motions, as they seem to only be doing, I would in their eyes be a baby killing race jumping boy kissing degenerate. Do I believe in god? In an easy non disputable answer no. Not in the traditional sense. No. Here as I am today I will in my greatest attempt at this, try to put to paper what it is I believe.
Let me Start by saying spiritualism was changed through my eyes going through counseling for substance abuse, I had always believed the word as any other word to be religious ugly and not for me. I learned through blunt truth of the matter that it is it’s own bludgeoning beast to every single person, and to each of us our beliefs change. That is why I hold the stance that organized religion is to me at least, is false for my purpose to believe. Spiritualism is internal belief, for my motivation I strive to hold a god of sorts inside myself to focus on when things tumble towards irreversible downfall, and I believe that is what most religions out there are kind of masquerading around.
For all the people that go to the house of the holy father and find true happiness in the savior, and do not turn back around to a converting recruiting mess of speeches, or an insane belief spewing cog in the hierarchy I applaud you. If by those words and his embrace you develop an honest peace inside you then please spread that smile and not your will. More wars have been started over that book and belief system than any other mongrel money motivated leader in this world and to be perfectly honest I think to impose your standards onto someone else and then hold them fatally accountable for their alternate abstract views is appalling and a crime against humanity as a whole.
As a nail in the coffin of this rant I think it is to be said that we all should at least develop a grander understanding of all other beliefs, and that is what I aim to do. Opening your spectrum to various pivoting beliefs is as close to understanding of yourself as you can get..
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Aesop Rock--- Pigs
This video is the shit, the song is even better, this is the hidden track on the back end of None Shall Pass. The artist in the video is out of san fransisco Jeremy Fish look his shit up he is an amazing artist Enjoy
Tobacco Gross Magik
This song is fucking sick, but the video is like an acid trip through a mentos commercial is great
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Why I hate people that post on IMDB
Hello films fans,
Something has been bothering me for sometime and until now I have not had a forum to voice my frustration.
I think IMDB is a great place to get information about Movies, TV shows and actors. However, there is one thing that really pisses me off and it is something that keeps me from going to the site more often.
I hate people that go to page on a particular film and proceed to bash everyone that says they are a fan of said movie. I understand that everyone has a right to their opinion but why not just understand that not everyone will share the same views.
There are films that I am not particularly fond of but I don't take time out of my day to post idiotic comments about how people suck that like a film that I don't.
People on IMDB also claim to be fans of movies but they find the smallest problems with films that come out today and then go off on rants. The best example for this was the recent Indiana Jones film. Everyone that hated the film had to post about the nuking the fridge scene. I loved this film and I grew up with the original films. People on IMDB that did not like the film were saying that Lucas / Speilberg ruined their childhood with this film, blah, blah, blah. That it wasn't realistic, etc. I was like, what Indiana Jones film has ever been realistic? They are adventure movies for God sakes. They are supposed to be over the top and fun. The fridge scene did not bother me. The same people had no problem with a guys heart being pulled out of his chest yet still living in the film "Temple of Doom" but they had a problem with a guy surviving a nuclear blast by jumping into a fridge for protection.
Movies are supposed to be fun and an escape. I don't want everything to be realistic when I watch a film, I want an escape.
If anyone else feels like I do, please feel free to post your comments.
Something has been bothering me for sometime and until now I have not had a forum to voice my frustration.
I think IMDB is a great place to get information about Movies, TV shows and actors. However, there is one thing that really pisses me off and it is something that keeps me from going to the site more often.
I hate people that go to page on a particular film and proceed to bash everyone that says they are a fan of said movie. I understand that everyone has a right to their opinion but why not just understand that not everyone will share the same views.
There are films that I am not particularly fond of but I don't take time out of my day to post idiotic comments about how people suck that like a film that I don't.
People on IMDB also claim to be fans of movies but they find the smallest problems with films that come out today and then go off on rants. The best example for this was the recent Indiana Jones film. Everyone that hated the film had to post about the nuking the fridge scene. I loved this film and I grew up with the original films. People on IMDB that did not like the film were saying that Lucas / Speilberg ruined their childhood with this film, blah, blah, blah. That it wasn't realistic, etc. I was like, what Indiana Jones film has ever been realistic? They are adventure movies for God sakes. They are supposed to be over the top and fun. The fridge scene did not bother me. The same people had no problem with a guys heart being pulled out of his chest yet still living in the film "Temple of Doom" but they had a problem with a guy surviving a nuclear blast by jumping into a fridge for protection.
Movies are supposed to be fun and an escape. I don't want everything to be realistic when I watch a film, I want an escape.
If anyone else feels like I do, please feel free to post your comments.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My Top Ten--Listen And Learn

1: Flying Lotus--Mind altering change occured listening to Lotus, you know those times when you hear something and it just changes the way you view music, Flying Lotus did just that, i can't stress enough to really listen to his music, i know there are hard headed people out there afraid to expand but give it a chance he is on a different level. Just Listen to tea leaf dancers, favorite artist right now period
2:Tobacco--- Intoxicating kind of electronic hip hop fused crack that is as disturbing as it is beautiful--Gross Magik top notch in my itunes playlist
3:Royce Da 5'9" The guy ripped every mic apart, he has gone from a rapper to a fiercely spitting maniac download his newest mixtape for free here
4: Black Milk--- No doubt best producer of last year, just crisp hard hitting good music-- the song he produced with royce called losing out is one of the best hip hop songs out there...
5: East Coast Avengers--Ok My vote for most absolutely insanely addictive rap song goes to these gnarly fucks for their masterpiece Torture Rack--Find, Listen and listen until you memorize. on their amazing new album Prison Planet
6: Devendra Banhart--Download Insect Eyes, beautiful song, creepy and just insane how much it gets to you---crazy good singer and artist..
7: Hed (pe)---One of my favorite bands all time just released in my opinion their 2nd best album.. New World Orphans.. Seen them in concert and jesus they are are nuts and the good kind of nuts. The guys are brilliant live...
8: Illa J-- J Dilla's little brother has the touch, great singer great artist great time.. Yancey Boys one of my top 5 albums of last year. Song to find "Timeless"
9: 14kt-- most relaxing album is tied between The Golden Hour by 14kt and LA by Flying Lotus, just top to bottom amazingly produced hip hop, mostly instrumental but it doesn't matter i aspire to be as on point as this guy with beats he is just talented.. listen to some real music people and start here...
10: Terry Urban--- As far as mixtapes go Mick Boogie and Terry Urban have my ipod on lock, but Terry Urban's How My Brain Works 2 is just well blended music, and really if you want an all around good experience on record for FREEEEEEEE! then go get this tape like i said it's free and it is ten miles ahead of any other mixtape out there trust me
I fancy myself as a person with many musical tastes, my true love is hip hop and everything surrounding it, but i listen to everything under sun. So i am interested to hear and read what everyone is listening to or loves so shoot a top ten to me i honestly want to hear some fresh sounds, new music, whatever, what the frick are you listening to, who is under my radar? Let me know people don't be shy.. i will make my top ten soon, one thing i have to say though. FLYING LOTUS FLYING LOTUS FLYING LOTUS... seacrest out!
Monday, January 19, 2009
My Bloody Valentine 3-D Review
Hello Horror fans,
I just got back from seeing "My Bloody Valentine 3-D" and it was a gory fun time that took me back to the "Friday the 13th" films of my youth.
I have not seen the original "My Bloody Valentine" that was released in 1981. So this review will not offer any comparisons with the original.
Tom returns to his hometown on the tenth anniversary of the Valentine's night massacre that claimed the lives of 22 people. However, it seems that the specter of Harry Warden, the coal miner that caused the massacre 10 years earlier, has risen complete with miner's mask and pic-axe, to wreck more bloody havoc.
I was too young to see the 3rd Friday the 13th film in theaters, it came out in 1982 when I was 8, but I always thought it would be cool to see a horror movie in 3-D. As soon as I heard that a remake of "My Bloody Valentine" was being released in 3-D, I knew I had to check it out.
The acting in this film was very good, I also liked the fact that the filmmakers decided to have a few Genre greats in the cast.
I am a huge fan of both Tom Atkins (Burke) and Kevin Tighe (Ben Foley). They are great character actors and both brought tremendous class to the film.
Jensen Ackles (Tom) did a good job in the film. He really did a good job of showing the pain and the isolation that the character feels.
Kerr Smith (Axel) played another dick, like he did in Final Destination, and again played it well. You really dislike him in the film.
Jamie King (Sarah) I felt was the strongest of the three leads. She did a great job showing a wide array of emotions.
Patrick Lussier turned in his best directing job. Previously known for editor on Wes Cravens Scream series and Dracula 2000, Lusier really set the mood from the opening frame. It was an eerie and at times cringe inducing. He also did a great job on building suspense.
The 3-D effects were great. The entire environment in the film was in 3-D and there were times where the high beam light on top of the killers helmet felt like it was reflecting on the audience. The action scenes were also top notch, when a kill happens let the splatter fly.
My Bloody Valentine 3-D rocked. It was a movie that was gory, scary and a hell of a lot of fun. This is something I think horror films have been sorely lacking as of late. Dreary horror films like "The Grudge II, Hostel films and The Messengers make films like Valentine a sight for sore eyes to this horror fan.
I have nothing bad to say about this film
My Bloody Valentine Rating:
5 out of 5
p.s. stay through the end credits for one last jolt
I just got back from seeing "My Bloody Valentine 3-D" and it was a gory fun time that took me back to the "Friday the 13th" films of my youth.
I have not seen the original "My Bloody Valentine" that was released in 1981. So this review will not offer any comparisons with the original.
Tom returns to his hometown on the tenth anniversary of the Valentine's night massacre that claimed the lives of 22 people. However, it seems that the specter of Harry Warden, the coal miner that caused the massacre 10 years earlier, has risen complete with miner's mask and pic-axe, to wreck more bloody havoc.
I was too young to see the 3rd Friday the 13th film in theaters, it came out in 1982 when I was 8, but I always thought it would be cool to see a horror movie in 3-D. As soon as I heard that a remake of "My Bloody Valentine" was being released in 3-D, I knew I had to check it out.
The acting in this film was very good, I also liked the fact that the filmmakers decided to have a few Genre greats in the cast.
I am a huge fan of both Tom Atkins (Burke) and Kevin Tighe (Ben Foley). They are great character actors and both brought tremendous class to the film.
Jensen Ackles (Tom) did a good job in the film. He really did a good job of showing the pain and the isolation that the character feels.
Kerr Smith (Axel) played another dick, like he did in Final Destination, and again played it well. You really dislike him in the film.
Jamie King (Sarah) I felt was the strongest of the three leads. She did a great job showing a wide array of emotions.
Patrick Lussier turned in his best directing job. Previously known for editor on Wes Cravens Scream series and Dracula 2000, Lusier really set the mood from the opening frame. It was an eerie and at times cringe inducing. He also did a great job on building suspense.
The 3-D effects were great. The entire environment in the film was in 3-D and there were times where the high beam light on top of the killers helmet felt like it was reflecting on the audience. The action scenes were also top notch, when a kill happens let the splatter fly.
My Bloody Valentine 3-D rocked. It was a movie that was gory, scary and a hell of a lot of fun. This is something I think horror films have been sorely lacking as of late. Dreary horror films like "The Grudge II, Hostel films and The Messengers make films like Valentine a sight for sore eyes to this horror fan.
I have nothing bad to say about this film
My Bloody Valentine Rating:
5 out of 5
p.s. stay through the end credits for one last jolt
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Mirrors DVD Review:
I just watched Mirrors on DVD last night, I missed the films run in the theaters last summer. I am a huge fan of Keifer Sutherland and I was glad to see him in a new horror movie after a long absence from the genre.
Sutherland stars as Ben Carson, a former NYPD dectective that is still suffering over the fact that he fataly shot someone in the line of duty. This turmoil has caused him to become estranged from his wife and family. When the movie begins he is sleeping on his little sisters couch. On leave from the police force, Ben takes a job as a night watchmen at a burned and abandon historic department store in the city. A major fire had gutted the building five years earlier. The building houses a large number of mirrors, that despite the poor condition of the building, look remarkebly unscathed and in prestine condition. On his nighly patrols of the building Ben begins to hear noises and see things in the mirrors that cannot possibly be real. Soon he begins to realize that a true threat exists in the relm of the stores mirrors and this threat intends to no only affect him but his family as well.
Kiefer Sutherland was great in the film, as expected. He is just an amazing actor and I really felt for the character he portyayed and the issues he was going through. The guilt over what he had done while a New York city cop and how that guilt had spiraled out of control and caused problems with his marrriage.
I thought Amy Smart did good as well playing Ben's sister Angela. The brother sister moments between the two really came off as believable and not forced. That truly shows what good actors the two are.
The only actor in the film I was not that impressed with was Ben's estranged wife Amy played by Paula Patton. It's not that she is a bad actress, I just thought her performance was rather "blah" and I did not feel that she brought anything interesting to the proceedings.
Mirrors scared the crap out of me. I was not expecting it to be as scary as it was. I watched the unrated verision of the film so I am not sure how much this verision differed from the theatrical cut. There were some horrific images that stayed with me long after the film was over. I have to give Alexandre Aja props for not going overboard on gore like he did in his previous directorial efforts :High Tension" and the remake of "The Hills have Eyes". Instead of gore he provide a lot of suspence particualry when Ben is patroling the abandonded building at night. It's not to say that the movie does not have gore moments but they do not overtake the film.
I really am the type of movie goer that does not like to give too much away when I talk about a particualr film, so I will end by saying that Mirrors is definatly worth checking out. I guarantee that you will never want to turn your back on a mirror in your house again after you watch
Mirrors rating
5 out of 5
Sutherland stars as Ben Carson, a former NYPD dectective that is still suffering over the fact that he fataly shot someone in the line of duty. This turmoil has caused him to become estranged from his wife and family. When the movie begins he is sleeping on his little sisters couch. On leave from the police force, Ben takes a job as a night watchmen at a burned and abandon historic department store in the city. A major fire had gutted the building five years earlier. The building houses a large number of mirrors, that despite the poor condition of the building, look remarkebly unscathed and in prestine condition. On his nighly patrols of the building Ben begins to hear noises and see things in the mirrors that cannot possibly be real. Soon he begins to realize that a true threat exists in the relm of the stores mirrors and this threat intends to no only affect him but his family as well.
Kiefer Sutherland was great in the film, as expected. He is just an amazing actor and I really felt for the character he portyayed and the issues he was going through. The guilt over what he had done while a New York city cop and how that guilt had spiraled out of control and caused problems with his marrriage.
I thought Amy Smart did good as well playing Ben's sister Angela. The brother sister moments between the two really came off as believable and not forced. That truly shows what good actors the two are.
The only actor in the film I was not that impressed with was Ben's estranged wife Amy played by Paula Patton. It's not that she is a bad actress, I just thought her performance was rather "blah" and I did not feel that she brought anything interesting to the proceedings.
Mirrors scared the crap out of me. I was not expecting it to be as scary as it was. I watched the unrated verision of the film so I am not sure how much this verision differed from the theatrical cut. There were some horrific images that stayed with me long after the film was over. I have to give Alexandre Aja props for not going overboard on gore like he did in his previous directorial efforts :High Tension" and the remake of "The Hills have Eyes". Instead of gore he provide a lot of suspence particualry when Ben is patroling the abandonded building at night. It's not to say that the movie does not have gore moments but they do not overtake the film.
I really am the type of movie goer that does not like to give too much away when I talk about a particualr film, so I will end by saying that Mirrors is definatly worth checking out. I guarantee that you will never want to turn your back on a mirror in your house again after you watch
Mirrors rating
5 out of 5
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Oscar Grant Shooting

a response i wrote for this on illroots, check the sight.
"When i first heard about this i scoffed at it. I guess desensitized by this culture of video apathy and my own experiences with violence. Until i saw the video. To say that is hard. To say that i scoffed. But i did. I ask you what progress has been made in this world. I am baffled by the actions of people as devious as this. And the fact we all know he will (no matter his punishment) be let off in our eyes is the blunt truth to the neck that we should never accept such acts of horror. No case can be made for this being acceptable. NONE. Crisis is far from just being over seas we all agree on that. Black white brown whatever, this is disgusting. Thought, prayers, and love to his family. Fight hard to subdue this system into eating one of their own. He deserves no less."
I know it is kind of jumping the gun so to speak on this incident, not knowing the actual events. But what was the actual need to shoot him, was he going to attack them from his stomach, was he going to transform into a monster slash terrorist and lunge from the ground to harm these helpless armed trained officers, incite a riot due to his stance as the most dangerous man face down on the ground surrounded by cops? honestly i mean what the fuck?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Fresh air

"You are a fucking asshole when your not on drugs" i will let that linger for a bit.............................
On new years eve that quote sent me home at ten o'clock to sleep through all the celebrations going on and wake up with a smile on my face. So quickly to that person fuck off get out of my life and grow the fuck up. PEACE. Now on the other side of that it inspired me to not only go home and avoid the danger i was going towards it inspired me to write. Bush is gone, we are getting i owe u's from the government i hear (LAUGHING AS LOUD OUT LOUD AS POSSIBLE), we are still fighting and losing across the water, music is still my absolute savior, work still sucks, although i must say this job is by far the best sucky job i have ever had, i am growing more optimistic by the day, the super bowl is going to suck again, except the patriots are not there so that's a plus, fuck everything Boston except the chowder love that shit, business in America is slowly taking a dive into an empty pool, Mervin's closed and it was on the news for three weeks, double homicide down the street on news for twelve seconds, cows being abused put Peta's nipples in a twist, Saddam had meeting with a rope, ended bad, rope was angry, YouTube it, myspace stole my soul, and can i say fuck those apple commercials with Justin long, jesus christ you cocky bastards, why don't you go take all that money from the iPhone and ipod, light bills on fire, and make it rain on your pretentious fucking heads, that is an entry for another day, i am coming apple, to ruin you, Issac Hayes died, and Bernie mac died what the shit was that, both dearly missed, some other people died can't remember, McCain had a stroke, every time he talked, Obama defies and wins, i am supporting you to the fullest, just because everyone else i know isn't, and your speeches make me want to get up and change the world, or jog, can't decipher which yet, and a million other things happened in 2008 that matter momentarily.
It is 2009. And back to that quote that started this off, being told i was an asshole was nothing new, it was the whole not on drugs thing that kicked me. I went home and thought to myself out loud in my room which was kind of lunaticy (new word) I am a changed person, i will not go as far to say everything is new, but the fresh air is tasted, and i like it. and am looking forward to writing my deranged thoughts on this sight, even if nobady reads it, and look forward to my other contributers thoughts, (thanks dude your hilarious and cool as fuck in a not penis touching way) and am optomistic as hell coming in to a new year, new music, new pics, new reviews, more content i promise. Happy new year fuckers
On new years eve that quote sent me home at ten o'clock to sleep through all the celebrations going on and wake up with a smile on my face. So quickly to that person fuck off get out of my life and grow the fuck up. PEACE. Now on the other side of that it inspired me to not only go home and avoid the danger i was going towards it inspired me to write. Bush is gone, we are getting i owe u's from the government i hear (LAUGHING AS LOUD OUT LOUD AS POSSIBLE), we are still fighting and losing across the water, music is still my absolute savior, work still sucks, although i must say this job is by far the best sucky job i have ever had, i am growing more optimistic by the day, the super bowl is going to suck again, except the patriots are not there so that's a plus, fuck everything Boston except the chowder love that shit, business in America is slowly taking a dive into an empty pool, Mervin's closed and it was on the news for three weeks, double homicide down the street on news for twelve seconds, cows being abused put Peta's nipples in a twist, Saddam had meeting with a rope, ended bad, rope was angry, YouTube it, myspace stole my soul, and can i say fuck those apple commercials with Justin long, jesus christ you cocky bastards, why don't you go take all that money from the iPhone and ipod, light bills on fire, and make it rain on your pretentious fucking heads, that is an entry for another day, i am coming apple, to ruin you, Issac Hayes died, and Bernie mac died what the shit was that, both dearly missed, some other people died can't remember, McCain had a stroke, every time he talked, Obama defies and wins, i am supporting you to the fullest, just because everyone else i know isn't, and your speeches make me want to get up and change the world, or jog, can't decipher which yet, and a million other things happened in 2008 that matter momentarily.
It is 2009. And back to that quote that started this off, being told i was an asshole was nothing new, it was the whole not on drugs thing that kicked me. I went home and thought to myself out loud in my room which was kind of lunaticy (new word) I am a changed person, i will not go as far to say everything is new, but the fresh air is tasted, and i like it. and am looking forward to writing my deranged thoughts on this sight, even if nobady reads it, and look forward to my other contributers thoughts, (thanks dude your hilarious and cool as fuck in a not penis touching way) and am optomistic as hell coming in to a new year, new music, new pics, new reviews, more content i promise. Happy new year fuckers
Reflect: sticks in spokes
holy fucking shit. i hate theses lil fucks, well you cant even say lil fucks! grown ass mutherfucking adults are investing in the duct tape 2 wheel whip. bull-fucking-shit! its one thing that i live in a city that car stereos, car alarms, and emergency vehicles rule the music of the night, now we have these little clusters of fucks that have no talent or originality making annoying musical ghetto rides. where did the blood sweat and tears go that went into making a low rider bike. retards took the "scraper" (a piece of shit car that should not be running in the first place) and invented a way to live ghetto fabulous and still get to your job at Arbys on the other side of town. heres how you do it, get some weed and an old E 40 album. go to your local Ace Hardware (cause they carry everything) , smoke some weed, STEAL an array of neon colored duct tape, smoke some weed, STEAL a neighbor kids bike, pop some extacy, arrange neon duct tape on bike, apply speakers and you got yourself a "scraper bike." now ride that shit in and out of traffic and dont give a shit because your too stupid dumb and retarted to give a phuck. its a fun activity to do with your children. a fun day with yo patnas (father and boys) on a weekday around noon going to the local quckE mart to get a forty to share and pissing off the world is a fun day in the hood.
During this time your child should be at school and thats where they missed the every 15 minutes play. this is also where they would miss the newly reformed play suggested in the previous blog. so in all respect, any teaching of this breed of human cant come form school. dreams of hyphy children becoming a rapper keep them out of the class room and the mac dre playlist playing. just run these fucks off the road every chance you get. if theres a pack of them holding up traffic run one over just so the rest get the point. we need to organize against this fucking flamboyant colored retardation. hopefully the fucks will stay on the side walk and turn the music down just a notch. all i ask.
you know whats fucked up? i dont even drive and this shit pisses me the fuck off.
ahhhhh fuck it, life sucks and i live in it.
During this time your child should be at school and thats where they missed the every 15 minutes play. this is also where they would miss the newly reformed play suggested in the previous blog. so in all respect, any teaching of this breed of human cant come form school. dreams of hyphy children becoming a rapper keep them out of the class room and the mac dre playlist playing. just run these fucks off the road every chance you get. if theres a pack of them holding up traffic run one over just so the rest get the point. we need to organize against this fucking flamboyant colored retardation. hopefully the fucks will stay on the side walk and turn the music down just a notch. all i ask.
you know whats fucked up? i dont even drive and this shit pisses me the fuck off.
ahhhhh fuck it, life sucks and i live in it.
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