http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1873904,00.html---the article that sparked this.
I read this morning in the news that the Vatican is “slamming” Obama over his abortion policy throughout foreign land. It is in the threads of these ill natured men of power where our problem hides. People so stout in their beliefs that if they could crush us and start over in their image they would without a second breath. Fundamentals thrown through Jesus adorned windows long ago I believe as a people we are built to focus solemnly on one goal.
Why I cannot believe in what I believe in and stay in peace with the people around me is beyond me. My soul is very close to some of my conglomerates and if in they wind sensed I did not go through their motions, as they seem to only be doing, I would in their eyes be a baby killing race jumping boy kissing degenerate. Do I believe in god? In an easy non disputable answer no. Not in the traditional sense. No. Here as I am today I will in my greatest attempt at this, try to put to paper what it is I believe.
Let me Start by saying spiritualism was changed through my eyes going through counseling for substance abuse, I had always believed the word as any other word to be religious ugly and not for me. I learned through blunt truth of the matter that it is it’s own bludgeoning beast to every single person, and to each of us our beliefs change. That is why I hold the stance that organized religion is to me at least, is false for my purpose to believe. Spiritualism is internal belief, for my motivation I strive to hold a god of sorts inside myself to focus on when things tumble towards irreversible downfall, and I believe that is what most religions out there are kind of masquerading around.
For all the people that go to the house of the holy father and find true happiness in the savior, and do not turn back around to a converting recruiting mess of speeches, or an insane belief spewing cog in the hierarchy I applaud you. If by those words and his embrace you develop an honest peace inside you then please spread that smile and not your will. More wars have been started over that book and belief system than any other mongrel money motivated leader in this world and to be perfectly honest I think to impose your standards onto someone else and then hold them fatally accountable for their alternate abstract views is appalling and a crime against humanity as a whole.
As a nail in the coffin of this rant I think it is to be said that we all should at least develop a grander understanding of all other beliefs, and that is what I aim to do. Opening your spectrum to various pivoting beliefs is as close to understanding of yourself as you can get..
You are extremely narrow minded