Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why I hate people that post on IMDB

Hello films fans,

Something has been bothering me for sometime and until now I have not had a forum to voice my frustration.

I think IMDB is a great place to get information about Movies, TV shows and actors. However, there is one thing that really pisses me off and it is something that keeps me from going to the site more often.

I hate people that go to page on a particular film and proceed to bash everyone that says they are a fan of said movie. I understand that everyone has a right to their opinion but why not just understand that not everyone will share the same views.

There are films that I am not particularly fond of but I don't take time out of my day to post idiotic comments about how people suck that like a film that I don't.

People on IMDB also claim to be fans of movies but they find the smallest problems with films that come out today and then go off on rants. The best example for this was the recent Indiana Jones film. Everyone that hated the film had to post about the nuking the fridge scene. I loved this film and I grew up with the original films. People on IMDB that did not like the film were saying that Lucas / Speilberg ruined their childhood with this film, blah, blah, blah. That it wasn't realistic, etc. I was like, what Indiana Jones film has ever been realistic? They are adventure movies for God sakes. They are supposed to be over the top and fun. The fridge scene did not bother me. The same people had no problem with a guys heart being pulled out of his chest yet still living in the film "Temple of Doom" but they had a problem with a guy surviving a nuclear blast by jumping into a fridge for protection.

Movies are supposed to be fun and an escape. I don't want everything to be realistic when I watch a film, I want an escape.

If anyone else feels like I do, please feel free to post your comments.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. The fact is people lose the ability to honestly enjoy things in favor of being critical to the point of madness, i have had this conversation with you before and it is a good topic, it goes for the critics of music as well, they limit their enjoyment with a comb they use to go every detail. Do you go into Indiana Jones expecting to see a gripping drama with attention to the realm of reality or do you go to have a good fucking time at a movie meant for just that? I'll take my chance with the good time kids, save the dram for TNT- Ted Turner knows drama...Peace Holla
