"You are a fucking asshole when your not on drugs" i will let that linger for a bit.............................
On new years eve that quote sent me home at ten o'clock to sleep through all the celebrations going on and wake up with a smile on my face. So quickly to that person fuck off get out of my life and grow the fuck up. PEACE. Now on the other side of that it inspired me to not only go home and avoid the danger i was going towards it inspired me to write. Bush is gone, we are getting i owe u's from the government i hear (LAUGHING AS LOUD OUT LOUD AS POSSIBLE), we are still fighting and losing across the water, music is still my absolute savior, work still sucks, although i must say this job is by far the best sucky job i have ever had, i am growing more optimistic by the day, the super bowl is going to suck again, except the patriots are not there so that's a plus, fuck everything Boston except the chowder love that shit, business in America is slowly taking a dive into an empty pool, Mervin's closed and it was on the news for three weeks, double homicide down the street on news for twelve seconds, cows being abused put Peta's nipples in a twist, Saddam had meeting with a rope, ended bad, rope was angry, YouTube it, myspace stole my soul, and can i say fuck those apple commercials with Justin long, jesus christ you cocky bastards, why don't you go take all that money from the iPhone and ipod, light bills on fire, and make it rain on your pretentious fucking heads, that is an entry for another day, i am coming apple, to ruin you, Issac Hayes died, and Bernie mac died what the shit was that, both dearly missed, some other people died can't remember, McCain had a stroke, every time he talked, Obama defies and wins, i am supporting you to the fullest, just because everyone else i know isn't, and your speeches make me want to get up and change the world, or jog, can't decipher which yet, and a million other things happened in 2008 that matter momentarily.
It is 2009. And back to that quote that started this off, being told i was an asshole was nothing new, it was the whole not on drugs thing that kicked me. I went home and thought to myself out loud in my room which was kind of lunaticy (new word) I am a changed person, i will not go as far to say everything is new, but the fresh air is tasted, and i like it. and am looking forward to writing my deranged thoughts on this sight, even if nobady reads it, and look forward to my other contributers thoughts, (thanks dude your hilarious and cool as fuck in a not penis touching way) and am optomistic as hell coming in to a new year, new music, new pics, new reviews, more content i promise. Happy new year fuckers
On new years eve that quote sent me home at ten o'clock to sleep through all the celebrations going on and wake up with a smile on my face. So quickly to that person fuck off get out of my life and grow the fuck up. PEACE. Now on the other side of that it inspired me to not only go home and avoid the danger i was going towards it inspired me to write. Bush is gone, we are getting i owe u's from the government i hear (LAUGHING AS LOUD OUT LOUD AS POSSIBLE), we are still fighting and losing across the water, music is still my absolute savior, work still sucks, although i must say this job is by far the best sucky job i have ever had, i am growing more optimistic by the day, the super bowl is going to suck again, except the patriots are not there so that's a plus, fuck everything Boston except the chowder love that shit, business in America is slowly taking a dive into an empty pool, Mervin's closed and it was on the news for three weeks, double homicide down the street on news for twelve seconds, cows being abused put Peta's nipples in a twist, Saddam had meeting with a rope, ended bad, rope was angry, YouTube it, myspace stole my soul, and can i say fuck those apple commercials with Justin long, jesus christ you cocky bastards, why don't you go take all that money from the iPhone and ipod, light bills on fire, and make it rain on your pretentious fucking heads, that is an entry for another day, i am coming apple, to ruin you, Issac Hayes died, and Bernie mac died what the shit was that, both dearly missed, some other people died can't remember, McCain had a stroke, every time he talked, Obama defies and wins, i am supporting you to the fullest, just because everyone else i know isn't, and your speeches make me want to get up and change the world, or jog, can't decipher which yet, and a million other things happened in 2008 that matter momentarily.
It is 2009. And back to that quote that started this off, being told i was an asshole was nothing new, it was the whole not on drugs thing that kicked me. I went home and thought to myself out loud in my room which was kind of lunaticy (new word) I am a changed person, i will not go as far to say everything is new, but the fresh air is tasted, and i like it. and am looking forward to writing my deranged thoughts on this sight, even if nobady reads it, and look forward to my other contributers thoughts, (thanks dude your hilarious and cool as fuck in a not penis touching way) and am optomistic as hell coming in to a new year, new music, new pics, new reviews, more content i promise. Happy new year fuckers
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